Redesigning my website has become a nightmare.
The theme I bought... while very extensive... is difficult to understand. For every bug I fix, 5 more appear. It's rough.
Last night, I reorganized my portfolio files at least. I fished through all of the work that I have stored on my iMac (presumably the largest collection of my myriad computers) and established a cleaner collection as well as a more sensible navigation for the site itself. Baby steps I guess.
Thankfully I'm not looking for a job. The more portfolio sites I look at, the more frustrated I get. There are some really nice ones out there. I just don't have the technological skills to develop one like it just yet. Nor do I really have the direction in terms of work samples. I just want to get something up that makes sense so that I can transition into doing more illustration work. The better the work, the better the site will be.
I find that I get really tired after work on the days when I don't have aikido. I drank a coffee as I was leaving work yesterday to offset that. I was still a little tired. Maybe it worked. It kept me awake at midnight once I decided to throw in the towel for the night—that's for sure. I just find that I waste the hours between 6 and 9 doing nothing because I'm tired... and then I get a second wind around 10 or so that keeps me up until midnight... How can I alter that pattern? Maybe it has to do with food. Maybe I should push through and force myself to make dinner as soon as I get home so that the food will reenergize me. I don't know. It's frustrating.
If humans didn't need to sleep, we would get so much more done! Relaxation is worthwhile but sleep is just a waste of 8 hours if you ask me.
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