
Things are "Moving" Right Along

I never thought the day would actually come. In fact, it has come AND gone. Jason and I have been in the new apartment for a few days now. The culmination of all the planning and stress has finally passed over and we can settle in for (what I hope will be) longer than a year if we really want to. It would be so nice to actually stay put for longer than 12 months. Moving is so stressful. So many pieces to remember/put together. However, both of our career goals are still a little up-in-the-air at the moment. Perhaps too much so to claim that we'll be interested in living in the DC area again after a year. We'll see what happens..

Now that we're in the new place, we have to pick up the pace a little bit with the personal training studies. We're pretty far behind the schedule I made. But JK Rowling's new book is coming out in like 9 days so I might be taking some (frequent) breaks to read the book. Haha. I hope it's good. I've been waiting for it for such a long time! We'll see. I have a huge list of books I want to read. This CPT studying is interfering with my leisure reading! I have to stop agreeing to freelance jobs because they're taking too much time in the interim. Way too many things going on at once.

I also have another rank promotion test this Friday for Aikido. Ahh!

Lots to do. I'm very tired. But I'm just so happy to finally be finished with the move. That was a HUGE production looming over my head for the longest time. Now it's just a matter of negotiating the tiny storage space—unpacking is my favorite part of moving. So really, despite the craziness, I'm having a great time!

I hated living life in a countdown..."Oh god. Two weeks til I move. Gotta pack six boxes tonight after Aikido, take some stuff to my car tomorrow morning, One week! Gotta find more boxes. Can't use my (insert name of thing) until I unpack it in 4 days. Can't shop for food til we get to the new place. Can't spend time on reading my CPT stuff til I finish packing..." I hate having a ticking time bomb on my life. That part is finished...thankfully.