

So we didn't get the apartment we wanted. As anticipated, the lady decided to collect 1 million applications and then choose, I don't know who she chose, the super-credit people or something to actually award the place to. Instead of the nice young couple who showed up 10 minutes before the open house ecstatic about the idea of possibly living in a place we already know and love. Whatever. Am I bitter? Yes.

In the same evening of this discovery, Jason got off work at 4 to drive down here and I left work at 4:45 to begin my metro journey to another place for a tour. Our appointment was at 5:30 because apparently these apartment complexes don't like anyone who works full-time to be able to visit. They all close super early and then have shit times on the weekend. Well of course, being in DC at rush hour, we got delayed (we had to drive even after the metro). We got to the place at 6 on the dot which is when they officially close. They refused to show us around. Infuriating. Now, I can't really explain the reason for just how angry I became, especially because we would have inevitably decided not to live there even if we DID tour. It took me an hour and fifteen minutes to get there from work. If I wanted to commute that long, I'd just live in Baltimore where the apartments are exponentially cheaper. But the fact that we had come so far and that I had even called to let them know we were still coming and we really couldn't come any other time because we both work, on top of the already frustrating process this whole apartment search has been, on top of the fact that I hate my current place SO MUCH, I just lost it. And I defaulted to my worst personality flaw: when I get mad, I cry—completely negating any powerful or assertive attitude I previously displayed. So here I am, in the car on the way out, sobbing like an idiot about a place I didn't even want to live.

This morning, I told Jason that he's up. I'm passing off the baton, as it were (I've been watching a LOT of Olympics). I can't do it anymore. We already have the place I talked about before. If he wants to stay there, fine. If he wants to apply to one of the two other feasible places we saw, fine. If he wants to comb craigslist some more, fine. I've checked out. And I feel a little bit bad about it. But apparently, exactly one month is all I can stand when it comes to finding apartments in/near DC.

Watching the Olympics, I saw a piece about Michael Phelps, an athlete who I don't even particularly like because I think he's a bit of an ass, that pulled me back into reality a bit. It was about how his coach would routinely throw unexpectedly awful things at him to help him cope with unforeseen speed-bumps. And it clicked. That's my problem. I've noticed it before but I've never done anything about it. I can schedule myself to within seconds of my life but I fall apart the second something unforeseen happens. I HATE (like, unconsolable anger) when my plans don't work out how I PLANNED THEM TO and that's a thing I need to get over. Because the amount of times I encounter a perfectly flowing schedule compared to the amount of times that something, however small, might throw a wrench into those plans is a very uneven ratio.

And I have been favoring the wrong side all along.

45 days until Sept. 15.


Blythe said...

First of all, explanation for your tears courtesy of cracked.com (see #3)


I cry over every single thing too. Life is just crazy stressful, and apartment hunting is one of the biggest offenders in the stress arena! That's why people always want to keep the house/apt in a divorce, I assume.

Claire said...

I am exactly like Kristen Bell: if I'm not between a 3 and a 7 on the emotional scale, I'm crying. (And if you haven't seen the Kristen Bell sloth video this makes no sense, so go watch it now.)

So yeah. I would've cried, too, I'm sure. Apartment hunting is just horribly stressful and not very fun. I'm doing it now with Corey and I remember doing it last year for him, too, and even though we didn't have any horrible problems (knock on wood!), we did have some big disappointments and annoying little things happen. Plus there's the fact that I worry about eeeverything and can't relax until the papers are signed.

Anyway, sending you good apartment karma!

The Lady Me said...

Thanks guys.

Blythe: Worthwhile info about bodily functions! Now I can go around telling people why they're crying so they won't feel so bad!

Claire: I have DEFINITELY seen that Kristen Bell sloth video and it's hilarious. I knew exactly what you were talking about haah.