

The past two days have been weird.

Yesterday was my birthday and I am going to briefly describe the events below without trying to sound like a selfish douchebag. But basically, it was a weird day. The morning was nice because I was with Jason (I had stayed at his house this weekend). The train ride was ok and I got my free Starbucks beverage for my birthday. Good good.

All I was expecting from the office for my birthday was a cake and a card because that seems to be the protocol. And by "seems to be" I mean that every other person that has worked here for the past year gets a cake (or an assortment of cupcakes) and a card for their birthday and we sit around for 15 minutes eating sweets and chatting. However, they decided to be different I guess and we had a "pizza party" which really means that they used the free trade from one of our pizza advertisers to get rid of it. Fine. To be honest, I really wanted a healthier lunch but I never turn down free food and it was, albeit a little cheap, a nice birthday gesture. They should have left it there. I'd have considered it a fair trade-off and gone about my business. Instead, my boss decides to get a package of hostess cupcakes from CVS and present them to me on a paper plate with an individual candle in each one and a card that wasn't even signed by all FOUR people that work in the office. Really? I think I want to change "It's the thought that counts" to "It's the effort that counts." Because I wasn't looking for a designer cake from Georgetown, I was just looking for a little more commitment than a trip to the CVS at the corner.

I then proceeded to allow myself to become stressed out about moving again. We finally decided on the place and the move-in day (Sept 15) but apparently "Sept 15" was really confusing to my current roommate for some reason because she offered to try to find someone for Sept 1 "if that's what you want." Um, no, I'll still be living here on Sept 1..because that date happens before Sept 15. But this is the girl who texted me to let me know that she couldn't find my phone when it was lost... so why am I surprised? I decided to email her yesterday (we never see each other in the apt.) to let her know what time we were planning on moving my shit on the 15th to give them an opportunity to either hole themselves up in their bedroom or flee the county and to reinforce the date, thereby relieving some stress. No response of course. Stress remains unrelieved. I have these nightmares that some girl from Kentucky is gonna show up at my door with all her stuff on Sept 1 and the painfully exhausting argument that would ensue.

Thankfully Jason came down to take me out to a really nice dinner and I really did have a good time but I was so irritated/stressed about the events/overreactions from earlier in the day that I was finding it hard to 100% enjoy the experience. The bottom line is that I want to feel comfortable in my own home and the closer we get to Sept 15, the more anxious I'm becoming about it. Also, it proves that my job is still ridiculous no matter how many times it threatens to be almost tolerable.

This fine morning, Jason and I decided he would drive my car up to his house because I need to use it this weekend but I have to leave work early on Friday to make it up to Baltimore in time for an early dinner. So instead of sitting in all that traffic on Friday, I'll just take the train and my car will already be there! Viola. Except that when I turned the car on for him to drop me off at the metro this morning, I used my keychain instead of the spare car key. So I left for work and Jason drove up to Baltimore with ALL OF MY KEYS. Sigh. His parents just drove all the way down from Baltimore to my office to drop them off to me. Way way nicer than they had to be. But I am hugely thankful.

Tonight I'm going out with one of my best friends from college for my birthday. Hopefully the craziness is done. I'm tired. I just want to have a nice night and be done with it. Jeez!

That was a long bitch-session. Apologies.


Blythe said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (even though now your birthday is past and I already know it wasn't the best...)

I'm pretty sure birthdays, as a rule, are pretty miserable because every minor annoyance that you'd otherwise forget in 15 minutes, becomes a "but it's my fucking birthday!!" situation. To combine that with a fast approaching moving date, and I would be quite surprised if your birthday wasn't at least worse than your average day. Not to be a downer about birthdays!!

Your roommate sounds hysterical (at least from afar. Up close she sounds unforgivably frustrating).

The Lady Me said...

Hahaha, well put. For sure.

Overall, I must say that the good points of the birthday were enough to mostly offset the bad points and luckily the good things happened at night so it was a nice way to end the day. And I mean, thank GOD I'm moving.

There was cat pee on my kitchen counter this morning.
