
Entry number 3 in a reasonable amount of time?!

Unbelievable! But I'm not complaining. I'm not going to make any grand assumptions about how THIS time I will continue to blog forever! Because let's get serious. I only make these promises to break them. I'll take it one post at a time for now, haha.

I decided that tonight I'm going to get a lot of stuff done. Two shots of espresso later, I'm chugging right alone (blogging was actually a task on this list). I decided that if I add some fun things to my lists that maybe I'll feel a little better when I neglect to do some of the not fun things because I can at least say I've done SOMETHING.

I was supposed to get my hair cut today. The costume intern was going to do it but, alas, she had to work. Ah, the theater. So unpredictable... so we're going to try for tomorrow. I'm getting it chopped off again. This concerns me ever so slightly because this girl is not, in fact, a seasoned hairdresser that I've been going to for the past however-many-years and with how short I'm planning to go, it's not like I can put it up in a ponytail to hide any awfulness that might ensue. It is but a leap of faith. I'm too paranoid all the time. Let this leap of faith in the beauty department act as a step toward calming myself down and reaching some sense of paranoid normalcy.

In other news, I find that I keep saying "yes" to small projects. For a few reasons, 1) they sometimes sound fun 2) every career advisor you ever talk to says never to burn a bridge or say no to something that could get you somewhere and 3) i figure if i do it enough, one day, something is bound to pay off. Well folks, I've finally encountered a small pay off. At CENTERSTAGE, interns are allowed to bar tend for extra money - which I do. It just so happens that we were dark last week because we're in between shows so I technically would not have had any bar shifts. However, my bar manager emailed us asking if anyone would like to help him out and bar tend for a rental. A high school was holding a fundraiser at the theater and needed bar staff. So I thought "I could enjoy this week off, OR, perhaps, I could make a little extra money and help a guy out." So I chose to do it. Little did I know, he added automatic gratuity to the $10,000 rental. Meaning, me and the 4 other bartenders split $1300 for just showing up!! Do that math in your head or on a calculator but it comes out to about $250 each - for just showing up - for 5 hours. PLUS our hourly wage of $7.50 PLUS the cash tips we made (which came out to about $55). I walked out of there over $300 richer than when I walked in.

Pay off? I think so.



Blythe said...

I have, on a JILLION occasions, sited you as having an actual skill. Bartending. You have the skill and the experience. It's invaluable... or it's worth $300 on some nights. Still... amazing!

Blythe said...

Wait wait, I reread that I need to amend. You have a LOT of skills. I'm just jealous of that one. One that you can use anywhere. For money.