The stories upon stories of things that have happened since the last time I attempted to frequent this blog are a bit daunting when I sit down to actually update. Perhaps I'll stick to categories for the time being. This shall be my pop culture update.
Where to begin? Movies, TV, or Books? How about that order. Great.
Movies: As we all know, I am not the biggest of movie buffs to the embarrassment of my friends and family who are. When I moved into intern housing here, I found out, dun dun dunnnnn, that I do not have cable - i.e. no TV whatsoever because I couldn't even get the basic channels. We have it in the common room but that means I have to go next door and sit in a big room where there are probably others who are going to come down and change the channel. Annoying. So I invested in Netflix. I figured, "Monique, there are enough movies and TV series you haven't seen and are on Netflix to keep you occupied for 3 internships." So I took the dive. I am pleased with the results.
Movies I've seen during this internship that I hadn't seen beforehand (due to Netflix, current movie releases, and friends' collections - in no particular order):
-The Star Wars Trilogy (and now I feel I must own it)
-The Godfather and The Godfather Part II (Part III should be coming in the mail on Monday)
-Black Swan
-Harry Potter 7 Part 1 (and I can't WAIT for Part 2)
And others that I am surely forgetting but the most exciting movie fact, I think, is that I got ALL THREE extended editions of The Lord of the Rings for $31!! Used, yes, but still. I thought it was awesome. I have until Monday to watch them all and make sure that they're ok haha. We'll see if that happens...
TV Series - So I decided to watch the Gilmore Girls series from beginning to end. I'm on season 5 now. It's very addicting. I know that it's a guilty pleasure. WHATEVER. I love it. Also, I decided that Jason needs to watch Dr. Who (and I am a bit behind myself, unfortunately) so we just recently started from the beginning with that one as well. Hopefully I'll catch up sometime during the upcoming season so I can watch it in real time. So many things to watch!! So little time! It's ok though because I enjoy watching people watch shows and movies that I love. I feel like I'm exposing something wonderful to them haha.
Books - Speaking of exposing people to good movies and TV, I let Jason borrow Kiss Me Like a Stranger (Gene Wilder's Autobiography). And he actually read it! Now I have someone to talk to about it! Because I love it, AH! Since the end of IT over the summer, I've had a hard time committing to books. I started A Game of Thrones, The Lord of the Rings, and Eat Pray Love. I stopped all of them when I got busy. HowEVER, I recently picked A Game of Thrones back up, started from the beginning and have somewhat solidly been reading ever since. HBO is turning it into a miniseries starting April 17 (AHHH) so I have to read quicker! The books in this series (A Song of Ice and Fire) are like 1000 pages a piece; apparently I can't read anything of normal length. My hope is that I will at least be able to read fast enough to keep up with each new episode of the miniseries. I'm almost 200 pages in now. Hopefully I can get to page 300 before the first episode so I'll be a little ahead. We'll see haha.
When I'm finally done reading that, I will have some choices to make. I could move on to book 2 in the series (which I may want to do depending on how book 1 ends). I could quickly knock out Eat Pray Love because its short, lighthearted, and a quick read. AND because it's not mine and I've been holding it hostage for months. I could also tackle Lord of the Rings again - but I don't know if I can commit to that while I'm still in the middle of reading A Song of Ice and Fire.
Meanwhile, I should really be updating my website and applying to jobs. Sigh... so much time, so little to do. Wait. Strike that. Reverse it.
I loooove Gilmore Girls. Love love love it. Though Corey hates Rory and mocks me every time I watch that show.
I read Eat Pray Love... but I really only enjoyed the Italy part. I sort of skimmed through the whole praying part... and the living part was meh. To me.
I am SO HAPPY you took the dive for Netflix. I was hesitant for a while because I couldn't imagine paying for something monthly, but when I finally did it.... I think it was made for me. I want to do ads for it. I want to sing about Netflix from the rooftops!! Except I'm too busy using it to write songs.
I, too, have tried and failed to read LOTRs twice. I'm so confident that the man I fall in love with is going to be obsessed and I consider it an investment in my future. I feel like the day I finish it, the planets will align and I'll meet my soulmate. I should get on that...
Also, do not fear used DVDs. Nearly my entire collection is comprised of used DVDs and none of them are messed up.
Claire - I get criticized for Gilmore Girls too but I just can't stop watching! It's too good. As far as Eat, Pray, Love is concerned, yeah, I've heard mixed reviews. I feel like its a small enough, quick enough read for me to get through and not feel bad if I don't like it.
Blythe - Haha, I hope that some day the planets do align and one or both of us finishes LOTR. I really do. haha and we just watched the Two Towers today with no technical issues so I believe in you and your used DVDs. Only one left now is Return of the King - I just checked it's run time. It's 4.18 hours long, HAHA. Quite a night ahead of us.
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