
I Promised

I promised a blog post on Facebook so I have to follow through! Honestly, I've been meaning to update for quite some time but always lost the motivation to write when I had the time to sit down and do it.

I'll start with the announcement! A job! A good one. None of this "Well it may be more hours than the last one but really fun," or "Well it may be less money but more fulfilling," or "I was promised a bunch of cool things in a short period of time and I trust the person who promised them." None of that. This is a job with a large well-established company where I will have a considerable salary, benefits package, and opportunity....when I walk through the front door on day 1 of training. (Which, incidentally, might be in another large city that is not DC—can't disclose yet because it's not official). Thank the 7 for friends, connections, and referrals. Without Erika's referral, my ass would have been in a stack of resumes a mile high, I'm sure. There is no justification with this one. It is a GREAT opportunity.

I found out about it on Monday but they've been nailing down a series of details ever since—the last of which should be finalized by tomorrow morning—so I haven't been able to shout it to the heavens yet. I immediately embarked on a trip down to my mistress dojo (as I like to call it...as opposed to my husband dojo), had a great class, and got a motorcycle ride home through Rock Creek Park. It's moments like these when I think to myself, "Self, your life has gotten really weird. But at least it's a good weird this time."

So here I am...with another month to chew on all of this information (I won't start the new job until May 20 at the earliest...possibly even the 27th). But I am SO EXCITED!

I will take a brief moment to realize that, yes, this is almost a carbon copy of the last "I have a new job!" post. I'm not going to pretend like I'm not afraid of the same shock of "Wow, this is...not what I expected." I'm not saying that won't happen. But the value here is greater. Significantly greater. So at least I am getting something worthwhile out of this. Plus! I will be around a huge team of people with far more experience so not only will I get monetary benefits out of this, I will be able to learn a LOT.



Blythe said...

YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!! I can't wait to hear the DETAILS!!!! But pretty much all change is both good and bad but it sounds like this one will weigh more heavily on the former! WHOOOOOP!!

Claire said...

I second Blythe - YESSS!!!!!! I can't wait to hear more, congratulations!!!

The Lady Me said...

Thanks guys! Just got word that the person in charge of nailing down the last details is out of the office today so we shall have to wait one more day!