
The First Real Entry Upon My Return

I thought it might be nice to write an actual entry - not just an "oh hey, I remembered that I started this thing" pity entry.

Life has been interesting. Interesting is the diplomatic word I've been using to describe my situation. Lonely would be another. Less lonely now than a month and a half ago but no where near where I'd like it. Let me elaborate. I live in a house with a kind older woman and a fairly quiet grad student (and a dog!). For the most part, the three (four) of us do our own thing. Occasionally we'll have a meal or watch tv together but we pretty much just coexist. It's really not a bad setup, I must say, but coupled with the fact that I don't talk to very many people at work, you can see how it might get a little old after a while. Thankfully I talk to Shane every night and we usually see each other anywhere from 1-3 times a week - which is impressive considering we live an hour away from one another. Though I guess an hour is a whole lost closer than two and a half hours which is the distance from my home to his.

Wolf Trap has been quite the experience. Again, diplomatic. I think the internship program is wonderful. We are treated like employees instead of interns which for most of us is fantastic and for others of us is a bit less than fantastic. I'm learning a LOT about the nit picky details of graphic design - a nit picky field of work in general. Mostly I'm learning the hard way - by screwing up and having to fix it - but hey, I'm learning. Sometimes I wish I'd learn first before having to redo the work 50 times, but I guess I have to take what I'm given. My supervisor has offered to help me with my resume. I thought that was nice of her. I'll definitely take her up on that offer although sometimes I feel like our artistic opinions differ greatly; so I'll take what she says and apply it the best I can to my own style.

I enjoy all of the intern talks and field trips that we get to experience. I really appreciate the opportunities that they're throwing at us in that respect. When I get a moment of free time, I plan to exploit some of those connections if only to pick their brains about their lives in an effort to give some direction to my own. I feel rather directionless right now. When this internship ends, I have another - but when that ends I have no idea what I'm going to do. I can tell you right now that it won't be anything like what I'm doing now. It's not for me. But then the question is what can I do with my degrees that doesn't involve graphic design for an arts organization. The answer is A LOT, actually, if only by association. It puts me in a good and a bad position. I have so many things to choose from that I feel like I'm going to be very indecisive - which won't allow me to move up in any one field. At this point I feel like I'm going to be entry-level for years simply because I'm going to want to try so many new things - or because I'm never going to be satisfied. But then I realize that I'm probably just letting myself think too much. I assume because I don't love this job as much as I thought I would that every job is going to be a let down and that can't be true. Statistically, at least ONE has to be a positive experience, right? I sure hope so.

I just need to figure out which one that is...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having a lot of options doesn't mean you'll be indecisive; it means you apply to everything and then you get to chose what you like best. That's a great position to be in, and there is nothing wrong with entry level.