The concept of a blog fascinates me. The name itself is ridiculous - blog - sounds ominous - in 1972, a blog would have been something you'd see in a b-rated horror film. Have we become so egotistical that we now have to display our view of the world publicly on the internet? Or is it more for reassurance? Do private diaries no longer satisfy? I guess not; because here I am beginning my third reincarnation of some form of "blog" stemming from my freshman year of high school - when having a Xanga was the cool thing to do.
My goal with this blog, however, is to comment on art as I see it, the world as I see it, and life as I see it. I appreciate blogs when they belong to artists. It is one thing to view an artist's work. It is yet another thing to hear them speak about their work. You feel more connected to the art - or at the very least, to the inspiration behind it.
As my college career comes to a close, I hope to define myself as an artist. I can't promote myself to an employer until I know for sure who I am. My hope is that this blog will be an avenue for that discovery.
Excellent start!! But actually, I would like to know who this is. And you can pretty much guarantee that I'll read every post-- I LOVE blogs!
FUCK YES! Sorry. I'm really excited you have a blog, though, because it is seriously my MAIN form of communication with high school friends. This is awesome.
Yay! Who else has one?
Well, you know Blythe's obviously...
Sarah C:
Umm, that's actually it. I guess I totally lied... but FIVE of my college friends who graduated have blogs... so I guess I was thinking of them. Hahaha.
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