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So school is winding down, folks. Much slower than anyone else perhaps because of how late we get out, but winding down nonetheless. I graduate on Monday, May 24th. Things are winding down homework-wise as well, ironically. The middle of the semester always seems to be the busiest for me so I'm just coasting toward the finish at this point. I have 2 projects and 1 final standing in my way currently.

In other news, I have updates!

1) Unfortunately, I did not get Valedictorian. They gave it to someone from Biology. It's ok though. Being a finalist was cool enough and the president is going to recognize me for that at graduation anyway, which is so cool!

2) I have a place to live in VA for the summer! Have I said this yet? I don't remember so I'm gonna say it again. It's in a cute little townhouse that I'd be sharing with the owner (an older woman) and a grad student from George Mason. There is a dog named Rudy and a pool involved. Happiness.

3) I have an internship at CENTERSTAGE in Baltimore for the 2010-2011 season! So I am now officially employed through next May! Wooo! I get very little money at CENTERSTAGE but I get housed for FREE and I have the opportunity to bar tend at one of their 4 or so bars for extra money during events! I'm so excited! I'll be doing graphic design there too. So at the end of next year, I'll have had a full year of graphic design experience with this and Wolf Trap! All very exciting.

So now I am just excited to graduate and get the hell out of here. I'm sure I will miss it, but I will be about 15 minutes from school next year at CENTERSTAGE so I could always come back and visit if I want, but I don't have to see anyone here that I don't like! Win all around, I think.